June 2021

LADIES LUNCH “Sicilian Lunch”

On 1st of June 2021 during Ladies Lunch with a Sicilian theme we managed to raise 519,500₽ and were able to pay for the Children’s Regional Clinical Hospital (Tver) – Synoptophor apparatus for detection and treatment of strabismus in children.
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October 2020

A schoolgirl from Tver told about her trip to England under the Charitable Foundation Nadezda program

Graduating 9th grade schoolgirl Zlata Ivanova went to the UK in July under the program of the Tver Charitable Foundation Nadezda. In summer school she kept a diary and plans to tell her classmates about her trip. We decided not to wait until September and talk to Zlata now. Giving a dream to the younger […]
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January 2020

Photo from the classes of GBU “Rehabilitation Center for Children and Teenagers with Disabilities” Tver city

Dear friends ! We are happy to share with you some photos of special needs equipments purchased by Nadezda Foundation in early December 2019 for the Rehabilitation Centre for Children and Teenagers with Disabilities (48 Peterburgskoe sh., Tver) We would like to remind you that the center has been operating for 20 years and supports […]
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December 2019

Support of the 5th regional competition of creative works “Service to the Fatherland as the meaning of Russian patriotism” Zubtsov, Russia

Charitable Foundation for Children’s Aid “Nadezhda” is pleased to support the 5th regional competition of creative works “Service to the Fatherland as the meaning of Russian patriotism”! Traditionally, in the hall of the Tver City Duma in a solemn atmosphere after the greeting of the chairman Evgeny Pichuev the winners were announced. Zubchans “took” the […]
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November 2019

The Charitable Foundation Nadezda has raised £74,000 for schools and hospitals in the Tver region

On November 6 in London, the Nadezhda Charitable Foundation held its first charity gala dinner, which raised £74,000. The guest of honor for the evening was Nana Yakovenko, wife of the Russian Ambassador to the UK and a longtime friend of the foundation. The founder of the Foundation, Nadezhda Abela, told the guests about the […]
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March 2019

More than 750 thousand rubles were collected at the charity dinner of the Charitable Foundation Nadezda in Tver

Having become an annual traditional event of the Charitable Foundation Nadezda, this time the charity dinner gathered more than 80 guests, among whom were recognized faces of the business elite of our city, regular friends of the Foundation, as well as specially invited guests: actor, TV director, TV presenter – Sergey Druzhko and director, TV […]
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January 2019

A holiday by the Charitable Foundation Nadezda for its beneficiary students of Tver Boarding School #1

On Old New Year’s Eve, I’d like to share what we had time to do at the end of December 2018…. Friends! An amazing holiday was organized by the Charitable Foundation Nadezda for its beneficiaries – students of Tver Boarding School #1 December 24 – all the children went to a performance at the TYUZ. […]
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December 2018

Results of the 2nd Annual Regional Drawing Contest

On December 20, the Charitable Foundation Nadezda summarized the results of the 2nd Annual Regional Drawing Contest. This year the theme of the contest was: “My Dream”. The cozy family restaurant of healthy food “Café Family” kindly provided a platform for the exhibition of the finalists’ works, as well as refreshments at the awarding ceremony! […]
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October 2018

The winning team of the Charitable Foundation Nadezda Cup soccer team visited the FC Zenit base

Big dream. Young footballers from Tver visited the Zenit base and met with players In September, for the third time, the charity mini-football tournament “Cup of the Charitable Foundation Nadezda” among teams born in 2007 was held at the “Tekstilshchik” stadium. The tournament was organized with the support of the Department of Culture, Sports and […]
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December 2017

Awarding of prize winners and laureates of the regional contest of essays (creative works) “Count Arseny Zakrevsky and Big Russia”

In December 2017, the Tver City Duma hosted the awarding ceremony of the winners and laureates of the regional contest of essays (creative works) “Count Arseny Zakrevsky and Greater Russia”. The contest is held within the framework of the III International Local Lore Readings “Count Zakrevsky and Big Russia” dedicated to the native of Zubtsovsky […]
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